• Current EBIDTA $700k growing to $800/$900k
• 120+ License
• Stunning centre, fitout & respources
• Reasonable rent
• Fully staffed with management in place
• Asking $3.2M by negotiation
This is a rare opportunity to own one of the best in New Zealand.
A fairly new, purpose built centre where no expense has been spared and even though it is in a built up area with many new ECE’s, this centre is simply thriving as it's amazing! Quite literally.
Staff are coming to the centre, noting the amazing environment and signing on. It’s a credit to the vendors as to what has been created here.
The vendor is selling to fund new projects so a great opportunity. The typical sales multiple is around 4.5x EBIDTA currently for centres and I've sold a few this size recently so I can happily show real sales stats to the purchasers. We also have a 2 year forecast for the business from Rubiix accounting.
The reasonable rent is fixed for 10 years (modest 1% yearly increases). It’s a great opportunity. This business has plenty of scope for upside also.
To find out more you will need to submit a Confidentiality Agreement here at www.barkerbusiness.co.nz/3052. When Brett receives your expression of interest he will be in touch.
Licensed REAA2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage Ltd 2021.