Buying A Business With Barker Business Brokerage

Whether you’re a business buying novice or a seasoned buying pro, we’ve helped thousands of people transition into business ownership. It’s a life changing experience and one that shouldn’t be rushed so to make sure you’re stepping into the right business, it pays to have a Business Broker assisting you along the way.

A good place to start is to determine the lifestyle and income you want. What is the minimum amount of income you are willing to earn and how much time are you happy to invest? If a business you are interested in does not fulfil your criteria, cross it off your list.

Don’t be too quick to dismiss a business because it falls outside of a particular industry you hadn’t considered before. We often match great businesses with buyers who may not have expressed interest in a particular sector.

Below are some common questions we hear from buyers and if we've not covered something, don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Click here to take a look at our current listings.

What is the Due Diligence process, can you help me here?
Of course we can! A Due Diligence process is carried out by the buyer as a condition of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase in order to satisfy themselves that the information we have provided is a true representation of the business they are buying. This process can vary in time frames according to the size and complexities of each business. It is generally conducted in conjunction with their accountant / financial advisors.

Why don't you advertise the business name and more thorough details?
Usually the vendor wants to keep their business out of general public knowledge that it is for sale, thus we have to insist on people signing a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) before we can release any information.

I've already filled out a CA with BBB; why do I have to fill in another?
Here at BBB we pride ourselves on our ability to uphold the highest level of confidentiality to our vendors as the result of a confidentiality leak can be detrimental to a business sale. We are happy to provide as much information to you about each listing but a CA must be completed for each individual listing to ensure our vendors can have 100% confidence in us as their agent. To make this process easier, once you have registered on our site, submitting a CA for each business takes just a few clicks.

Can you help me buy a business that someone else is selling
Unfortunately this is not something we can get involved with, especially if it is another brokerage selling it. You will need to speak to the selling Broker directly or if a business owner is selling it themselves, we recommend you get independent advise from your solicitor or accountant.

Do I have to pay you any fees?
If we are selling a business on behalf of a business owner then no, there is no cost to you however we do offer buyers agencies where we actively find you a business and there are fees involved under this type of agency.

I don’t have the full amount to buy a business outright, what should I do?
We recommend you speak to your bank or lending professional. Alternatively we can recommend a few finance experts who can source, arrange and negotiate the best possible funding, security and pricing structures. Just email us for more information -

Once you’ve told me the business name, can I go there and find out more?
Once you have signed a CA and obtained more information from a Broker, the short answer is no, you may not approach the business owner or any of the staff as this is a breach of confidentiality unless under an arrangement. We are more than happy to arrange a time for parties to meet, whether that be onsite or at our offices.