Manuka Honey Production Business - Assets Sale


This business, situated in the Far North District, has a prosperous track record in producing high-quality manuka honey (ranging from UMF10+ to UMF25+).

Its offerings include a fully functioning manuka production business with approximately 400 active hives, with room to grow. 

The business comes with purpose-built, fully contained buildings (including land & buildings), staff accommodation, and ample space to expand hive numbers and nucs.

Moreover, the business has secure hive locations with written land agreements, which includes wintering sites. It has a reliable team of competent beekeeping staff who are well-versed in apiary practices and production techniques and would like to continue working with the new owner. The business also has appropriate and purpose-built plant and equipment, and the vendors are willing to provide their knowledge and assistance for up to two years. The brand and website are also included in the purchase.

The sale includes Land and Building, approx. 400 Hives and 800 Honey Boxes, Land access agreements (3 years) for hives placement, a specifically modified truck, an Isuzu Dmax ute with modification, a specialised HoneyBee Forklift, a trailer for Forklift.  If required, a 2 Years Honey Supply agreement to buy 5-10 tons of honey can be added.

The vendors are also open to managing the business for the new owner or training their staff for a few months to ensure a successful transition.

FOR SALE AT $1,500,000 (plus GST if any)

For the BUSINESS: $550,000
For FREEHOLD: $950,000

If you are interested and would like more information about this business, please visit the Barker Business Brokerage website, search reference number 3428 and submit the online Confidentiality Agreement. Once Paolo receives your expression of interest he will be in touch regarding further information about this opportunity.

*Source of information - Supplied by the Business Owner.
Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage Ltd 2025.


Region Northland
Price $1,500,000
Business ID 3428
Category Industrial/Manufacturing

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