Located about a 40 minute drive from Auckland, on the southern edge of the City (old Franklin District) is a gorgeous, purpose built childcare centre which has come up for sale due to very genuine reasons. With around 50 children currently registered and attending at different times (that is combined full time and part time), this is a centre anyone would be proud to own.
Both of the vendors currently work in the centre so a new owner will need to replace them with either; a Centre Manager and an additional staff member OR, you plus 1 more. The vendors are happy to provide a solid handover for any potential buyer and they tell us that the centre is very well set up so a new owner can simply step in and carry on what has already begun.
They proudly provide an extremely high standard of care and education for infants, toddlers and young children, have excellent resources and systems in place and embrace proven teaching methods, offering a world class curriculum inspired by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy. The centre is only approximately 50% full at present and what is needed is a good operator to grow the business. Run at the industry norm of 80% plus occupancy the business should return $500k p/annum.
A realistic asking price of $1,050,000.
ECE's have proven to sell quickly so to find out more, you MUST first submit an online Confidentiality Agreement for this business. To do this visit www.barkerbusiness.co.nz, register your details on our site and submit a CA for listing 1813. Once Brett receives this he will be in touch with more information. If you having trouble getting hold of Brett, phone or email Kelsey Steinbring (PA to Brett) on 09 973 4079 or kelseys@childcaresalesnz.co.nz or kelseys@barkerbusiness.co.nz
Licensed REAA 2008. Copyright Barker Business Brokerage Ltd 2015.